


Exciting things are happening in the Marketing department over at Vattenfall. In this article, we’re catching up with Database Marketer Guido Noodelijk and Senior Digital Marketing Specialist Giovanni Zebeda to talk about the digital concept behind their latest national campaign.



一代是20 - 30年,今天使用太阳能绝对至关重要。通过合并的第一阶段努力向Vattenfall品牌介绍虔诚的观众,以及Vattenfall的第二和当前阶段来绿色,而不是太阳能电池板运动是什么更好的方法?

The dream interdisciplinary team


Guido is primarily focused on email marketing, while Gio focuses on online channels, acting as a lynchpin between the New Energy Solutions team and Data, Traffic and UX. His role is to ensure the New Energy Solutions team delivers high-quality leads from the online channels they’re using in the solar panel journey.


Data-driven marketing

More than anything, data-driven marketing is about being agile and goal-oriented. Vattenfall’s New Energy Solutions team is on a mission to reach their solar panel sales targets as efficiently as possible, and the way Guido sees it, “It all goes back to reaching the right person at the right time on the right channel.”

In order to get there, they are working hard to connect online and offline channels so they can hone their omnichannel approach and create a 360-degree view of the customer that will enable them to further personalize, optimize and fine-tune their customer journeys.


Vattenfall太阳能运动设计lead interested customers and prospects through an online funnel to the Do the Sun Check test. Thanks to a highly successful offline advertising campaign, the company has had no shortage of interested leads. On the contrary, the New Energy Solutions team has been struggling to properly handle the huge surge of incoming leads.

Their flow was set up in such a way that if a prospect qualified as a lead by scoring high on the Sun Check test, they were shown a button to request a price quote. Once they requested a quote, their information was sent to a sister company who would look into the details of the lead’s test, put together a quote, and then contact the prospect by telephone to discuss their options.

This highly personalized approach for hot leads is a time-consuming process for Vattenfall’s sister company, and eventually, they couldn’t keep up with the high demand for price quotes.

“And that’s how we got started with this whole story,” says Gio. “The problem really began as a capacity issue. Leads were delivered and couldn't be picked up until two weeks later, or sometimes not at all, and customers were putting comments on Facebook like, ‘Hey, I requested a quote and I haven't heard anything.’”

On top of that, 90% of the leads being delivered weren’t qualifying. “And that means you might be disappointing clients or giving them a negative experience,” says Gio. “We realized the only thing we could do to improve the situation was to improve the quality of the leads, so we got to work finding a solution.”


A / B测试

The New Energy Solutions team started experimenting on their own by setting up the website so that only half of the visitors would see the button to request a price quote, and the other half would see an “email me advice” button. It delivered fewer leads, which was good, but because it was set up to randomly who would/wouldn’t see the option to request a quote directly, Vattenfall was potentially losing highly qualified leads.


“This was already happening last year,” says Guido, “but at that point, I wasn't working with Relay42. I didn't even know what it was. And that's actually a really good example of how the link between the marketing and online teams is way too minimal. I didn't even know what Relay did a year ago.”

Improving lead generation with the Relay42 platform

Vattenfall自2012年以来已经与Relay42平台合作,但在这样一个大型组织中,亚博竞彩APP并非每个人都知道正在使用的每个工具。一旦Guido和Gio开始寻找一种解决他们的领导评分问题的方法,他们发现了这份工作的完美工具 - 他们已经拥有的工具。

They got in touch and started working with Relay42 consultant Dick Heerkens. From there, Gio, Guido and Dick worked together in weekly meetings to come up with a new lead scoring model and process for qualifying solar panel leads.




提高铅工艺的第一步the Relay42 platform是定义一个新的领导评分模型。该团队通过将客户之旅分为三个不同的阶段,然后在每个阶段分配某个点到不同可能的相互作用。

In the infographic below you can see one of the possible customer journeys:


在映射客户之旅之后,Relay42的技术顾问Lesley Decreldq,GET参与在Relay42平台中创建一个全新的铅评分模型为Vattenfall。亚博竞彩APP


然后,他们建立了一些快捷方式进入过程中,例如如果一个人与特定的漏斗内容进行了处理,他们会得到这么多,他们直接获得资格。通过使用积分,他们能够以一种方式操纵领先地位,以便具有足够兴趣的前景总是陷入最后一阶段 - 以及那些不够有兴趣或没有资格的人,毫无疑问。



“但是当前得分与这些阶段有意义吗?”Guido Ponders。“我们还不知道,但我们会很快找到这个实验。人们在一张或十次登上什么?您是否只能为独特的访问分配点?这些都是我们所拥有的问题,应该用这个广告系列回答。

一旦结果进入,它将是团队的任务continue their data-driven marketing efforts by adjusting their KPIs要适合新模型,然后再次测试和优化。他们已经认为,有更多参与的访客更容易转换;问题是,来自此广告系列的数据是否会证明这一点。




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