



  • 构建数据驱动的关系。
  • 协调个性化旅程。
  • 用人工智能缩放。


观看此视频以了解智能旅程编排 - 数据驱动的营销策略 - 在整个客户旅程中实时反映所有渠道的客户行为,以实时地提供真正的一对一个性化。

Customer-centricity is your product


  • 86%的买家愿意为伟大的客户经验(纪念)支付更多费用。
  • 67%的客户提亚博娱乐app到不良体验是流失的原因,但26个不满意的客户只有1个抱怨。其余的只是离开(thinkjar)。
  • Loyal customers are 7 times as likely to test an offering, 5 times as likely to buy again, and 4 times as likely to refer (Temkin).



  • 96%的高级营销人员浪费和36 minut 5小时es a week trying to improve their data processes (TransUnion).
  • 72%的高管可以更多地对他们的数据进行更多,以推动组织(Sitecore)的影响。

Omnichannel personalization has never been more critical

A seamless cross-channel experience is not a nice-to-have — it’s table-stakes for any consumer-facing business. The number of touchpoints used to make a single purchase has tripled in the past 15 years (Marketing Week), and switching between touchpoints is no longer a linear journey, but a dizzying rollercoaster. Businesses are under pressure to offer customers a consistent, personalized experience across channels — from their web store and social media to their in-store experience. To be truly successful, they must also extend this personalization to their marketing channels to predict customer intent, as well as to their customer service channels to prevent customer churn. In other words: everywhere your customer goes, you need to be there first — and be ready to assist them.

  • Omnichannel shoppers have a 30% higher lifetime value than those who shop using only one channel (Google).
  • Businesses that adopt omnichannel strategies achieve 91% greater year-over-year customer retention rates compared to businesses that don’t (Aspect Software).


Learn how Intelligent Journey Orchestration can drive your customer-centric marketing strategy.



  • 在他们已经购买之后,没有更多的垃圾邮件,无关广告或横幅击打客户(或明确他们不兴趣)。亚博娱乐app
  • No more asking people to re-introduce themselves to your business countless times over the course of a single product purchase.
  • 没有更多的呼叫中心代理商,他们不知道这些线上的客户在线召唤了多少次 - 更不用说他们以前与公司一起使用的其他互动(以及这些互动的性质)。

智能旅程编排lets customers benefit from real-time personalized experiences, and it ensures that customers get real value in return for the personal data they provide to businesses.

Instead of rewarding your customer’s trust with (however well-intended) spam, you can reward them with relevant and timely communication on their favorite channels, personalized offers that are truly useful, and an engaging yet perfectly concise customer journey.


Over the last decade, businesses have been heavily investing in technology in an attempt to solve the challenges facing the customer-business relationship.

As a result, the MarTech landscape has transformed at an increasingly rapid pace.

Amid all of the technological clutter, there have been a couple of important technologies that have paved the path to Intelligent Journey Orchestration.


智能旅程编排platforms have evolved in part from a landscape where DMPs (Data Management Platforms) and TMSs (Tag Management Systems) reigned supreme. These systems, while highly valuable for aggregating 2nd- and 3rd-party data, have not proven powerful enough for businesses looking to leverage their customer data to deliver a 1-to-1 journey in real time. This is primarily because they don’t offer the technology needed to fully leverage the data that they are so good at unifying. DMPs offer the flexibility to connect to any MarTech or AdTech endpoint. They offer an extensive catalog of existing connections, and they provide a great marketplace for selling and buying data. However, they offer limited options for using customer data, and even fewer options for using data to orchestrate journeys, especially across channels.



客户数据平台(CDPs) focus on leveraging customer data to improve marketing efficiency. They have been an important step in MarTech evolution, as they leverage owned customer data, possibly in combination with marketing and media data, to improve marketing efficiency and effectiveness. However, CDPs are also limited in orchestration capabilities, so activating customer data in order to tailor experiences to individual customer needs and preferences is not possible, and as such CDPs do not offer true personalization.


Journey Mapping Technology

今天的消费者购买都在一个复杂的数字景观中进行,这使得客户旅程映射在理解中非常重要,甚至预测客户需要去的地方 - 以及他们需要到达那里的地方。亚博娱乐app这就是为什么旅程映射是智能旅程编排的重要组成部分。旅程映射工具有助于CX团队可视化客户旅程 - 从第一个接触点到出售,甚至在此之后。除了旅程映射之外,该技术还提供了有关关键接触点的重要信息,这反过来有助于他们优化客户体验。然而,旅程映射技术只提供一小块馅饼。


智能旅程编排in a Nutshell: From Four Disciplines to One Best Practice

As the marketing and CX landscape evolves, so does the tech that supports it. The result is the latest step in the evolution of martech: Intelligent Journey Orchestration. Learn all about it in this infographic.


The MarTech landscape is growing faster than business infrastructures can keep up with. In fact, the number of Martech companies grew from ~150 in 2011 to an impressive 6,829 in 2018 (Chief Martec). This accelerated growth has much to do with the notion that it is impossible for a single vendor to deliver everything a marketer needs, and it has given way to both new specialized technology and advanced platforms designed to connect the landscape.

这就是为什么Relay42智能亚博竞彩APP旅程编排平台创建:切割Martech Clutter,并提供一个具有集成数据管理,旅程编音和AI的可扩展营销平台,使得可以实时和规模提供完整的个性化客户旅程。




The Relay42 platform uniquely combines TMS, DMP, CDP, and Intelligent Journey Orchestration capabilities. This data management expertise means that our approach to data collection, storage, processing and activation is truly customer-centric. What makes it so effective is that it follows the customer’s behavior and preferences across technologies, instead of forcing the customer to take certain actions in order to be recognized and remembered by the business.

  • Leverage sophisticated identity management.
  • Utilize every important data point — online and offline.
  • Exercise full control over consent and data collection.


Relay42 is a single platform that has been developed from the beginning as a marketing platform with advanced data management and AI capabilities. It is not a collection — or suite — of standalone solutions that pass information back and forth. That’s why businesses are able to mirror their customers’ behavior, intent, and engagement in real time. There’s no lag — because there’s just one platform.

  • Connect your channels quickly and easily.
  • Move beyond single interactions to end-to-end customer journeys.
  • Engage with personalized content across all channels.
  • 测试和优化内置实验功能的旅程。

Scale with Artificial Intelligence


So it’s about more than optimizing for conversions; it’s about reducing churn in the utility industry, helping travelers find the perfectly priced travel destination, and knowing when to recommend a mortgage versus a student loan. It’s about your customers and their journey — however it may take shape.

  • 自动向AI进行精彩患细微差别,目前的决策,自动协调旅行。
  • 预计客户需求并激活与行业特定的AI模型的见解。
  • Connect existing models to AI and apply your intelligence across every channel.


Use our free customer journey visualization tool to conceptualize and visualize data-driven omnichannel journeys. This tool makes it easy to save, share and collaborate.