

There’s been some buzz recently around two new class-action lawsuits being filed in the Netherlands and the UK by隐私集体。This is the largest class-action case around GDPR to date — and that’s a pretty big deal.

So, what’s it all about? In a nutshell, the Privacy Collective is going after two major data management platforms (DMPs) for allegedly unlawfully selling consumer data. Of course, it’s more nuanced than that, and the implications — not just for the data industry, but for businesses and consumers — are huge.


There has been a lot of talk about cookies lately, especially withGoogle announcing the demise of the 3rd party cookie。在表面上,它似乎这就像这个诉讼是关于的,但GDPR不是关于Cookie:这是关于消费者保护。GDPR而不是禁止禁止具体措施,以使消费者控制其数据。


From a consumer perspective, it’s difficult to understand how and where your privacy may be being violated, and that’s the point of this lawsuit. We are all used to (and probably sick of) giving consent every time we visit a new website, and a lot of people think that’s GDPR. Yes, websites are getting your cookie consent, but they also need consent from you to build a profile on you, and then they should be getting explicit consent to sell that profile, with the consumer knowing to whom it is being sold — every time they sell that profile.


What it’s really all about: Global IDs


在GDPR下,这种全球ID练习是非法的,这一诉讼是将其光明的。它涉及仅仅是在消费者期望或理解之外运作的不仅仅是经营 - 消费者净空没有给出他们以这种方式使用的数据许可。



想象一下你是网球俱乐部的一部分。该网球俱乐部有通讯,您将在该邮件列表中。当您收到时事通讯时,您会看到一些广告放置在那个时事通讯中 - 这可能是令人讨厌的,但没有合法或真正的道德发生了。您已知您的个人详细信息和同意网球俱乐部,他们选择与您沟通中的广告。如果您不喜欢它,您可以取消订阅时事通讯,甚至请求他们从数据库中删除您的个人信息。问题解决了。

Now imagine that you start receiving ads and emails from a tennis shoe brand whose website you’ve never visited, let alone given consent to, and you find out that you’re being served these ads because the tennis club has sold the email list — including your email address — to this brand. That’s not ok, and that’s what we’re looking at when we talk about global IDs and RTB.



From our perspective, brands have a responsibility to their consumers. Our vision is to build a future where both consumers and businesses embrace the use of data and technology as fundamental to mutually beneficial relationships. It’s inherently pro-GDPR. It’s pro-consumer privacy, and it’s pro-transparency.

What the lawsuit means for businesses

Enterprise businesses and DMP customers need to think carefully about the role they play in all of this. Right now, it’s the tech giants who are under fire, but if you’re using their technology, you’re complicit in these practices. Are you working with global IDs? Think long and hard whether you believe this is responsible from a marketing perspective.

In general, approach global IDs with extreme caution. Ask a lot of questions when vendors offer this. Force them to accept liability for any GDPR or privacy law violations in your contract. They won’t do it? That’s a big red flag.

大多数企业都有可理解的热衷于使用客户数据与客户建立更好的关系。亚博娱乐app但是,如果客户不想要这个,那么长期以来就没有创造更好的关系!与您的客户透明,遵循一个令人惊讶的原则 - 这意味亚博娱乐app着使用您的客户给您并知道您拥有的数据,并不将其销售给他人。让他们简单地选择退出。

We’re all consumers too, so we’d do well to think about creating customer journeys that we ourselves would be delighted with.



Do your best to be informed on these topics. It’s not always easy, and a lot seems to happen behind closed doors. Get in touch with the brands you purchase from a lot. Find out more about their compliance standards. Let them know if you don’t like the way they are handling your data.如果他们聪明,他们会听



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